The information superhighway, shows us what some nerd thinks about Star Trek.

Son, you tried and you failed. What's the moral? Don't try.

Lisa. Just because I don't care, doesn't mean that I don't understand.

Mmmmm... incapacitating (after getting hit by pepper spray.)

Homer: Let that be a lesson to you sweetie, never love anyone.

Lisa: Even you dad?

Homer: Especially me.

What do you mean, you never heard of Grand Funk Railroad? Who doesn't like Grand Funk?

Hey, you don't protest or go on strike. You just go into work everyday and do your job half-assed. That's the American way!

Bart: How do I give her the idea that I'm not interested in her.

Homer: Three simple words: I - Am - Gay

Can't murder now... eating.

Lisa: Dad you better watch out. You're the highly suggestable type.

Homer: Yes. I am the highly suggestable type.

I think I'm blind. (in response to having just eaten 64 slices of American cheese.)
