A Very Waxy Web Page

"Do you find something comical about my appearance? Everyone needs to drive an automobile, even the very tall. This is the largest auto that I can afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of laughter?"

Wise words from a wise man.

Summer is here. I feel it already. Mostly absorbed with work at Young & Rubicam. There will be more frequent updates to this site. Check out my new emo page. I don't know what else I'm going to add yet. I'll try to add more Simpsons quotes. And work on getting some animation and maybe flash stuff or sounds. What I feel like playing around with.

'Til next time.


The internet is full of wacky stuff and worthless drivel... here is my contribution. Enjoy!

These are just some of the many links that either exist now or are coming soon!

Drop me a line.

This page is under some serious construction.

Feel free to return and visit for updates!

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